Dynamics Done Right with Microsoft Consulting

Welcome to JMD365 LLC, your go-to source for all your Microsoft Dynamics software needs, from extensions and integrations to expert consulting services

Our services

Features & Benefits



Our Team

Once upon a time in a small office in the heart of San Jose, a group of tech enthusiasts came together to form JMD365 LLC, a dynamic team dedicated to revolutionizing the world of Microsoft Dynamics with their innovative software extensions, integrations, and consulting services.

Jorge Chaves

With my deep understanding of Microsoft Dynamics software, I am dedicated to providing top-notch extensions, integrations, and consulting services that help businesses streamline their operations and achieve their goals with ease.

Daniel Rojas

As the CTO of JMD365 LLC, I bring my extensive knowledge and experience in software development and technology integration to ensure that our clients receive the most efficient and effective solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Happy Customers​

We are the tech wizards that make your business dreams come true with our Microsoft Dynamics software solutions and personal touch.

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